Tips to care and manage your livestock during the rainy season


The monsoon is about to start and our livestock is about to enter the fall
after a hot and dry summer. As we humans take care of ourselves during the
rains we need to take the same care for our livestock as well. As they roam
around in the open fields the chances of getting exposed to life-threatening
diseases are high. The cold weather and impure water can affect our livestock's
health, productivity, and efficiency. Hence, livestock requires special care during
this season.

Tips for managing your livestock during the rainy season

1. Leak-proof animal shelter - Make sure the animal shelter is not leaking. Leakage will affect the comfort of your livestock.

2. Neat and tidy animal shed - An unclean shed will increase ammonia levels which in turn will cause eye infection and other respiratory problems. Hence, keep the shed clean. Clean the ground regularly as the moisture present will produce worm infestation.

3. Proper feed - The grass grown in the rainy season contains a lot of water and fibre. Consuming the grass fills the animal's stomach and results in passing watery dung. Feeding the right quantity of green fodder and dry fodder with necessary nutrients is important during this season for yielding high milk. Make sure the feed is stored in a dry area.

Increase the amount of feed in this season as the livestock requires energy to produce heat to stand the cold weather.

4. Tick infestation - Livestocks are prone to disease during this season and tick infestation increases rapidly during this phase. Ticks in the animal shelter can cause diseases like east coast fever, trypanosomosis, babesiosis, etc. In this case, take your animal to the nearest veterinarian.

5. Diseases in the udder - It's quite common during the rainy season. An unhygienic shelter causes mastitis so keep the shelter clean.

6. Mould-free food - Leakage in the shelter produces moulds and feeding this food to the livestock might result in cancer. 

7. Dry bedding - Getting dry fodder is difficult during this time so opt for dry straws or go for animal mattresses.

8. Temperature of water - Feed your livestock with clean water and make sure it is not cold.

Preventive measures for the rainy season

1. Deworm your cattle and buffalo against cestodes, trematodes, and nematodes.

2. Vaccinate your buffalo against hemorrhagic septicemia.

3. Vaccinate your cattle against black quarter.

How to care for your calves during the rainy season?

1. Do not leave your calves out during the rainy season.

2. Feed them extra milk that will help them generate more heat.

3. Calves above the age of 3 months should be given a dewormer.

4. 6 months old calves should be vaccinated against BQ and HS diseases.

How to care for your sheep and goat during the rainy season?

1. Sheep and goats should be given dewormer when the rainy season begins.

2. Vaccinate them against PPR disease. After a month, vaccinate them against ET disease.

3. Do not let them graze on fields sprayed with herbicide.

4. Sheep and goats might have problems with their hoof during this season so avoid taking them to the mud.

Take good care of your livestock during the monsoon!

For more information visit


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