SNF content of Milk and Profitability
Fat and Solids-not-fat (SNF) means the Total solids minus Fat in milk. The SNF of milk plays an important role in physico-chemical, sensory, textural characteristics and also the shelf life of any milk sweets. The SNF contains Protein, Milk sugar, Non- protein nitrogenous substances, Phosphates, Citrates and Chlorides of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium ,Potassium ,traces of Iron, Iodine, Copper and Vitamins, Pigments Bacteria etc., The protein and sugar are major components of SNF. Protein on SNF content of milk The level of protein in milk is a variable component. Reduction in the level of Protein in milk may result from underfeeding with concentrates (Protein), intake of poor quality forage, failure to balance the ration for protein and minerals. Shifting rumen fermentation towards propionic acid increase milk protein and decrease fat content in milk. However feeding excessive dietary protein does not increase milk protein, as most of the excess protein nitrogen is excrete...