
Showing posts from September, 2022

Rabies - ZERO by 2030!

  What is Rabies? Rabies is a deadly virus that is spread to humans from the saliva of an infected animal mostly by stray dogs. Though it is a vaccine-preventable disease the sad truth is, India accounts for 36% of the rabies deaths caused globally which nearly accounts for 20,000 cases in a year as per the reports from the National Health Portal. According to the WHO these numbers are remaining constant for more than a decade. It is very important to fight back against the disease as it is impossible to recover, Rabies is the only disease in India that has a 100% fatality rate. Prevention is the only way to escape, experts say. Though it is considered to be the world's deadliest vaccine-preventable disease, it is yet to make it to the priority list in India's health sector. Even though WHO aims at "Zero Rabies Death by 2030" a comprehensive national program is non-existent in India. The prevalence of rabies across the World  The deadly disease is the main caus...


  Life is a property of the planet rather than of individual organism(s) - Harold Morowitz The era of treating ethnoveterinary medicine and any other ethno knowledge system with suspicion and labelling it as myth, superstition and witchcraft, is long gone. The role of ethnoveterinary medicine in livestock development is beyond dispute . A great number of professionals from varied fields have over the past 30 years recognised, valued, documented and ethnocentrically studied the potential effectiveness of the traditional animal health care practices embodied in native and local communities. A glance at the existing literature reveals that the traditional knowledge embodied in ethnomedicine, constitute yet an untapped resource of potentially useful information for possible deployment in sustainable animal health management systems in rural and peri-urban communities all over the world particularly India, as we hold still a substantial knowledge base in our community. Tradi...

How to make dairying more profitable

  To make Dairying more profitable proper selection of Breed, individual Cows, proper Management including Nutrition, Reproduction, General managements  and Marketing are very essential.    Cost of feed constitutes about 60 -70 % of the total  recurring expenditure  in Dairy farming. The extent to which we reduce the Feed cost determines the extent of net income in Dairy Farming. Dairy Farming is land based  to cultivate and feed  adequate Green Forage. The green forage means Cereal Grasses ,Legume fodder and Tree fodder in proper ratio .    A Dairy cow with moderate  milk  yield  requires about 25-30 kilo Green forage daily. This much forage is sufficient to satisfy the complete  Maintenance  requirement  and  to produce about 4-6 kilo  of milk. For a cow yielding about 10 -14 kilo of milk per day the forage is to be cultivated  in 15 cents of irrigated land. For cows yielding ...